A Fest for Tacticians

| Spiele Palast 2

A Fest for Tacticians

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Dear friends of the Palace,

As part of our anniversary celebration, today it is the turn of our first solitaire game: Since August 30, 2017, you can play Solitaire at the Palace. You can tell from the date that we have reached our freshmen. If you would not have been loyal players for many years, we could not offer you those new games. So again: Thanks to our player community from our hearts! Collect your reward at the end of the post.

Alone, not lonely

Klondike Solitaire is the initial set up at the Solitaire Palace. The concept of the game is fundamentally different from the other games at the Palace up to this point. The game is played without directly interacting with opponents, which allows following the own strategy free from disruptions.

The game’s goal seems simple: Klondike uses a standard card deck with 52 cards. Those are distributed on several stacks. Now, the cards must be added to and sorted following specific rules until all cards are used, and all runs of cards from King down to Ace are complete. At the Palace, competition comes in if desired, by having several players start with the same initial situation. Solving the game fastest and most effectively will make you the winner of the round.

Once you mastered the primary setting, you can challenge yourself more and more with the different custom rules. Make use of this opportunity and click the following link today, December 12, 2019. It will bring you to the Solitaire Palace, where you can play as a Premium member for two days for free.

Click here for two Premium days at the Solitaire Palace

Good hand and have fun!

Your Palace Team will see you tomorrow to start the final countdown.

Antworten auf mahu

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  1. Avatar for Spiele Palast mahu | 13. Dezember 2019

    Kurze frage. Sagt mal es gab doch unter Tisch erstellen bei doko eine „spiel um nichts“ option. Gibt es die noch und wenn ja wo versteckt die sich? Und wenn nicht mehr seit wann und warum?:-) Wir diskutieren da gerade mit ein paar old timern im club rum, danke!!!

    • Avatar for Spiele Palast spielepalast | 13. Dezember 2019

      Hallo Mahu,

      die Option „Spiel um Nichts“ stand in Doppelkopf zur Verfügung, bevor wir die Sonderregel Armut eingeführt haben. Das ist aber schon eine ganze Weile her. Aktuell ist die Regel nicht verfügbar. Danke für deinen Vorschlag hierzu. Wir werden prüfen, ob wir die Regel zukünftig wieder einführen können.

      Viele Grüße und eine schöne Vorweihnachtszeit.